Saturday, June 10, 2006


sit by my side, come as close as the air
share in a memory of grace
and wander in my world
and dream about the pictures that i make --of changes

green leaves of summer turn red in the fall
to brown and to yellow they fade
and then they'll have to die
trapped in the circle time parade --of changes

sciences of my young years were warm in my mind
visions of shadows that shine
til one day i returned
and found they were the victims of the mind --of changes

the world spins madly--it drifts in the dark
swims thru a hollow like haze
a race around the stars
a journey thru a universe ablaze --of changes

moments of magic will glow in the night
all fears of the forest are gone
but when the morning breaks
they're swept away by golden drops of dawn --of changes

passions will part to a strange melody
as fires will sometimes burn cold
like petals in the wind
where puppets fear the silver stings of souls --of changes

your fears will be trembling
now it's someone else
one last cup of wine we will pour
and oily kiss you one more time
and leave you on the rolling river shore --of changes

so sit by my side, come as close as the air
share in a memory of grace
and wander in my words
and dream about the picture that i make --of changes

those are the lyrics written on a photo copied sheet of paper that i found inside the piano bench here at the house. the handwriting is my fathers.

i found the papers as i was digging through the collection of music, seeing if there was anything i could plunk away at on the piano (i've reached that point when it's been too long since i played). it was completely wonderful to stumble across the words. i recognized the handwriting immediately because it is so distinguished and impossible to read, and also because it is identical to my brother's illegible scrawl (which is a bizare coincidence in itself, isn't it?).

i started to talk with everyone about my dad, which is always great. it's amazing to be around these people who knew him so well. it makes me able to know him my own way. i hear about how wonderful and cool he was. i imagine that most people reading this probably know him better than i can say. i love you.

talking to suzanne, we were discussing how his death made him into this perfect man; how no one ever really talks about the weird stuff he did. so she told me vaguely about a disco phase he went thru. she didn't remember too much about it. so can someone please elaborate....

did my dad really go thru a disco-clubbing phase?

we are going to the ball in a few hours. it's going to be a blast. lots of fun people in bad clothes. and food. which sure makes me happy

love to all,


Paul Brown said...

We used to visit your parents very often when they lived in Amherst. One night we went to see the movie "Saturday Night Fever"... that was a life changing moment for Henry! He did indeed go through a disco clubbing phase after that. We listened to Donna Summer and he found an obscure, studio generated group called Santa Esmeralda (I think I have an old cassette) that we listened to endlessly. As I recall we were assisted by cannabis!. We were both sad when the disco rage ended as quickly as it started.
"Changes" was written by Phil Ochs, one of the original folkies. Henry sang the song.
Love, Peter

Anonymous said...

Sophie, your words continue to amaze me. I can't help but be moved to tears reading this entry. It is a wonderful discovery and I am so glad to see it unfold. Be safe and that refers to climbing mountain, bad music and old people dancing. See you soon. Tina