Monday, November 30, 2009


coming home feels like coming to a sudden and screetching halt. my body in motion suddenly stationary.

how to make this time at home (nearly 3 months in itself) worthwhile and meaningful. not just a time to sit and waste time. how to use Boston, my family, this apartment, all of this, to my advantage, as another stage in my life and not simply a (long) resting stop between adventures. this is what I struggle with here.

a rather spectacular person wrote recently something staggeringly beautiful.

"I find myself floundering in a vat of my own confusion, that I can’t find the clairvoyance to make sense of anything, to pick anything out, to push through it, like honey, pushing into a wave. "

i thrive on adventure. even when it's rough and i struggle with it, i love it. in the comfort of home it is difficult to find adventure, to feel challenged, to push myself to do strange and cooky things

also, this child has something else to say.

"and I feel I should be ‘responsible'... Here’s my thing right now: I’m still at that phase/point in my life where I write things like “responsibility”, in quotes, and feel like maybe I should just fucking take the quotes off because it’s real. That’s where I am. That’s how things are changing. Fucking weird. Warped. Unreal. Real.

rather startlingly, you are right: it is time to run naked in the park without those markers--or rather, to remain 'responsible'----and look, there i did it again with the quotes----and leave our clothes on and keep it all perhaps a little quieter on the madness front? but that's not what i'm feeling these days. i'm feeling honey and waves and i'm right there with you: life's terrifying without the quotes and terrifying to think we ever need to live without them. but we do!

circles and cirlces andcirclesandcirlces of logic aroundwego. tadaa!


Mallory said...

ahhh without the quotes. i just feel i've been living too quote-ishly for too long and society tells me i'm not 'making something of myself'. a ha ha ha ha (i cant stop using theeem). but also, in combination, i feel that i want a push, and that push may not be in the way of travel-adventureness. to truly make travel adventureness a meaningful challenge, you have to be good and you have to work hard and always be on your toes, teaching yourself and looking for Lesson. otherwise, you become a greedy soul-searching parasiite.

Mallory said...

SOPH--For the next adventure you embark upon: "An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered." - G.K. Chesterton