Tuesday, May 23, 2006


so we are actually here! i am writing this in an internet cafe on the top floor of this new shopping mall in Nairobi.

we flew 6 hours from NYC to Amsterdamn, felt extremely confused for about three hours in the airport during which time we could not figure out what time it was, what language they were speaking, or where we actually were; then we got back on a plane and flew 7 hours to nairobi. Eston and Louisa met us at the airport, with some of their friends. we drove to the house of Nancy and Tony who live in central Nairobi; had a great dinner just talking, laughing, getting to know eachother all over again. it's weird because technically i've known them my whole life, but this is only the second or third time i've seen her. but it's really great. they are all great. went to bed last night so tired and woke up at 10am here. i have no idea what time it really is or what time it is supposed to feel like right now. all i know is that it is tuesday, and right now the clock on this computer says that it is almost 1pm...who knows.

the plan for today is just to walk around Nairobi, see some things, and later jump on a plane heading to Nanyuki, where we will be staying and working. this trip is going to be amazing. it already is amazing. we have plans already made to go to the coast, and other places we've been told we HAVE to see, etc.

so far what i have noticed most is how nice everyday poeple are here. waitresses, gatekeepers, store clerks, etc. are all just general really nice to their customers. its like there is a different mentality everyone has towards strangers. maybe i'm more aware of it coming right from New York where someone will slam into on the street and just keep walking wihtout a word, who knows.

alright. we are leaving now. funniest thing tho, is that this internet cafe is blasting christian rock music...

love to you all, whoever reads this. i'm really happy to be here. and i'm unbeleiveably lucky to be here!



Paul Brown said...

Hi Sophie.... what a brilliant idea to have this blog going. Cannot wait to read more. Give my love to ALL the Whitfields. What an incredible experience you are going to have. Enjoy it all! I'll give your blog URL to Connie and Jack, Emilie and Sam too. Love, Malou

Anonymous said...

sophie it sounds sooo cool! i miss you a ton. i hope you update me and i hope you have the time of your life! please be careful and wear sunscreen and mosquito protectant or whatever that sutff is called!